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What size heat pump (geothermal/ground-source) should be installed to heat and cool a well-insulated, 1500 square foot house? (moderate climate)

1.5-2.0 ton
2.0-2.5 ton
2.5-3.0 ton
3.0-3.5 ton
3.5-4.0 ton
4.0 ton or larger
Not sure
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Question: What size heat pump (geothermal/ground-source) should be installed to heat and cool a well-insulated, 1500 square foot house? (moderate climate)
Top Answer (25% of 24 votes): 2.5-3.0 ton.

Answer: 2.0-2.5 ton
Explanation: Too many variables to give an accurate size. Each installation is different depending on an individual heat loss/gain that should be done before actually sizing it.
Geothermal Sales & Service, Inc.
Answer: 1.5-2.0 ton
Explanation: Do a eat load then you won't need to guess. Do it right!
Arizona's Best Heating & AC, Inc.
Answer: 2.5-3.0 ton
Explanation: There are many factors involved in sizing equipment for a home. You are best to do a load calculatiion on the structure to best match the structures needs.
Dr Heat & Cool Comfort Experts
Answer: 3.0-3.5 ton
Explanation: See previous answer
Air Services Comfort Solutions LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: need energy load calculations
Certified Quality Air Conditioning Inc
Answer: 2.5-3.0 ton
Explanation: The efficiency gained by the more constant water/ground temperature helps you reduce the capacity
123HVAC of Long Island
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